October 22, 2009

Columbia is a very interesting word

Jordan Maxwell

"Occult is simply a word meaning hidden, and so much of our powers in this world and the way things work are hidden. And the more one looks at this subject of how the world actually works, you begin to see that there is a magical system, and I'm telling you, there really is a magical system dominating the world of the Western civilization.
For 1000 years before the Roman empire existed, in Northern europe, basically Western europe, there was a magical priesthood called the Druids, and the Druids still even exist to this day. It was a very legitimate political, social, educational, religious institution dominating Europe for thousands of years, and they were refered to as the Druids. They were actually from the Phoenician Canaanites system in the Middle East. The Phoenician Canaanites formed the basis for the ancient Druidic system, and that's even older. But in the ancient Druidic system there were many powerful symbols and emblems.
One of the most interesting symbols in Druidism was the "Magic One" like Merlin the magician with his Magic One. Magic Ones were always made out of the wood of a holy tree, was made out of holy wood, and we're still seeing the magic of the wood of the holy tree: Hollywood, motion pictures, television. Once you begin to see the symbols and realize that the symbols for the national cults of arms, for countries, the flags, the seals, the presidential seals, the logos and emblems that are in corporations, especially the corporate emblems for motion pictures and television companies like Columbia Broadcasting System. CBS has the eye.

The Columbian system goes back to the Columbian faction of the Illuminati, back in the early 1700s, not the late 17th. You began to see why Space Shuttle is called Columbia. You have Columbia University, Columbia Pictures, Columbia Broadcasting. Columbia is a very interesting word, and it's connected to the Jesuits. Incidently, the Jesuits are very pronouncely involved in the destiny of this country. The Jesuit order is very much involved in the founding of this country and the direction of its politics. Georgetown University, from which many of the presidents and big shots in government get their education, is a Jesuit university.
Once you begin to see how words and terms and symbols are used, and of course symbols are extraordinarily important in world affairs. If you don't think so, if you don't understand the concept of how important symbols are, put a swastika on your arm and go to your local synagoge and watch the reaction you get. Symbols mean things to people, and the powers that be in this world have set up a world of symbols and emblembs and terms and catch phrases, and once you understand how this system works, it's fascinating! Because for the first time, the world opens up to you a whole new perspective on how government works, on how banks work, on how institutions and education ... why we have something called "The Police". Where does the word "Sheriff" come from? Why do you have "go-vern-ment" …
Once you begin to see how these words are used and put together, all of the sudden it opens up a whole new perspective on how stuff is happening. Because in the world today most people look at the things which are happening in this world and they can't make heads and tails out of it. It doesn't make any sense at all. It's destructive, it's lunacy, it's chaos. But in point of fact, the things which are happening in this world are not chaos at all. It is very well planned, organized and directed. There is an hidden agenda, so to speak. […] The CIA was originally founded by men who are members of an order called the Knights of Malta. It is a Roman secret society of powerful freemasons who have operated in Europe for many many hundreds of years."

Supreme Knight appointed to board of Vatican bank

Vatican City, September 23, 2009) The Commission of Cardinals which oversees the activities of the Vatican's bank, formally called the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), has renewed the membership of the institute's board and made a few new appointments. Among the new appointees is the head of the Knights of Columbus Carl A. Anderson.
The IOR is a financial institution governed by a Board of Superintendence, which is, in turn, regulated by a Commission of Cardinals led by Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State. The main function of the institute is to manage bank accounts for religious orders and Catholic associations.
The Supreme Knight's appointment to the IOR is the latest of his Vatican appointments, which include being appointed a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, as well as to the Pontifical Council for the Family. In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as a consultor to the the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.
Mr. Anderson currently serves on the the Board of Trustees of the Catholic University of America and the the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. He is also a member of the bar of the District of Columbia and is admitted to practice law before the U.S. Supreme Court.
He will be serving the IOR alongside newly appointed President of the Board Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, an Italian banking magnate, and vice president Ronaldo Hermann Schmitz of Germany.

Gottes neue Geldgeber
Der Banker des Heiligen Vaters
Die Geldwäscher Gottes

Marx hatte Recht, sagt der Vatikan

Rom, Nähe Vatikanstadt, 21. Oktober '09) Der Vatikan fordert eine Rückbesinnung auf die Theorien von Karl Marx. Der Philosoph "kann nicht als überholt gelten", mahnte die Vatikanzeitung "Osservatore Romano" am Mittwoch. Sozialistische Diktaturen hätten die Lehren des Kapitalismuskritikers "bis zur Unkenntlichkeit entstellt", schreibt der deutsche Jesuit Georg Sans von der Päpstlichen Gregoriana-Universität.
Papst Benedikt XVI. würdigte Karl Marx (1818-1883) wegen dessen "eingehender Genauigkeit" sowie "sprachlicher und denkerischer Kraft" bereits 2007 in seiner zweiten Enzyklika "Spe salvi" (Durch Hoffnung gerettet).
Nach Auffassung des Historikers Sans muss zwischen dem "Marx der Kommunistischen Partei und dem wahren Gesicht des Trierer Philosophen" unterschieden werden. Die materialistische Geschichtsauffassung des Autors von "Das Kapital" hält Sans für einseitig. Analysen über Entfremdung in der Arbeit sowie die Herkunft des Profits hingegen hätten seiner Ansicht nach nichts von ihrer Aktualität eingebüßt.
Dazu gehöre ferner Marx' Auffassung, dass Lohnarbeit allein als Mittel zum physischen Lebenserhalt nicht dem Wesen des Menschen entspreche. Auch habe der Philosoph Unterschiede zwischen Armut und Reichtum zu Recht als Ausdruck von Strukturen gesehen, die von Menschen geschaffen und nicht naturgegeben seien, schreibt Sans.

Knight of the Holy Sepulchre Archbishop Reinhard Marx (Trier/München): Das Kapital (2008)

Jean Ziegler 1992: "Marx, wir brauchen Dich"

No message is more important